Friday, July 27, 2012


The First Three Beers.

Working on Diet Pepsi #5 at 1512. Sip. Outside it's raining, with pea sized hail, and the outside air temp is 63 degrees. Rain stopped now. I've been taunting the Jewish god WHTZSNM with the Brown Telephone after the closer lightening strikes ('Missed again, Idiot!'). Kootch no longer shakes her head at such behavior. The rain started just after we finished today's M. As I was taking a shower and then shaving, I was thinking about how ironic it would be if I got zapped by a stray bolt while in the bathroom.
Now sipping on beer #1 at 1559 after taking out the trash and downing a bit of salmon salad with milk and meds. Sip. Time to reread last week's blog posts... Ok, that was quick. I got plenty of sleep last night because 'they' didn't zap me intensely for long periods of time. I just checked OAT: 67. Sip.
Might as well do the link dump...
Bill Moyers recently did a fascinating interview with Chris Hedges on Moyers' weekly PBS show. Highly recommended. Moyers is apparently still a Christian; Hedges... not so much.
Fareed Zacharia did a fascinating interview with V. S. Ramachandran on Zacharia's CNN sunday show. It's about our brain. Also highly recommended.
(Kootch just 'checked in with me' at 1655. I said, 'On your way back from the fridge would you bring me a beer?' She did. Now sipping on beer #3 at 1657. Sip. Buzzing nicely.)
Speaking of  'brains,' mine recently offered me a bit of insight into how it works to produce me: It began Monday morning just after I woke up. I was laying there, planning the day ahead, when an old tune from the '80s (?) started 'playing in the background.' I immediately began to speculate: why that song? Why now? (I think I just murdered a gnat but I'm not sure. Kootch is a Lady Bug, so it certainly wasn't her. In any case, I'm the type who watches the sidewalk in front of me sometimes as I enter the building in order to avoid stepping on ants. But gnats are just 'too much in your face.') Sip. Nope. The gnat appeared again just in front of the screen and I tried to slap it again. No evidence of success. 
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