Friday, June 08, 2012
Wake Up Mister President!
Heavy 'face rad' and some gassing just after I published that last post. Eyes watering. Nose running. Buzzing nicely on beer #7 at 1749. Sip. Now what?
The Orgasmic Brain. This approach would put 'The Rottenberg Center' out of business.
U.S. pediatric doctor favors female circumcision. Yuck! We need a visual:
Sucker is obviously a Muslim. You think Jews are bad?! Sheeit! (But don't forget to check yo husband's dick. Is it all there?)
The Silver Tour: Florida Seniors Lobby for Medical Marijuana.
Marijuana Law Just Creates Criminals. Yep.
Cuomo Supports Closing Major Loophole in NY Pot Decrim Law. (The possible unfortunate aspect of this is that such a change in the law would significantly decrease money flow to the NY Jewish Incarceration Industry. Horrors.
Almost half of all Americans are complete fucking idiots. This is nothing new...
Speaking of which, Death of Snake Handler shines light... Dumb! Here is the official Biblical passage in that regard.
White House to PTSD Veterans: No Medical Marijuana for You.
Wake Up Mister President! You are behind the curve!
Heavy 'face rad' and some gassing just after I published that last post. Eyes watering. Nose running. Buzzing nicely on beer #7 at 1749. Sip. Now what?
The Orgasmic Brain. This approach would put 'The Rottenberg Center' out of business.
U.S. pediatric doctor favors female circumcision. Yuck! We need a visual:
Sucker is obviously a Muslim. You think Jews are bad?! Sheeit! (But don't forget to check yo husband's dick. Is it all there?)
The Silver Tour: Florida Seniors Lobby for Medical Marijuana.
Marijuana Law Just Creates Criminals. Yep.
Cuomo Supports Closing Major Loophole in NY Pot Decrim Law. (The possible unfortunate aspect of this is that such a change in the law would significantly decrease money flow to the NY Jewish Incarceration Industry. Horrors.
Almost half of all Americans are complete fucking idiots. This is nothing new...
Speaking of which, Death of Snake Handler shines light... Dumb! Here is the official Biblical passage in that regard.
White House to PTSD Veterans: No Medical Marijuana for You.
Wake Up Mister President! You are behind the curve!