Friday, April 13, 2012
TGIF13! Last week's hangover wasn't as bad as expected, thank, uh, goodness. Two beers left from last week for a total of 14 beers available for tonight. I'll try to limit my intake tonight also. We'll see how that goes. Sip. Not buzzing at all yet at 1517. Rereading last week's posts just now I spotted a grammatical error... standby... fixed it. Sip. Still not buzzing. Sip.
Last night was a kind of Rocky Mountain Horror Show as Gerash and his 'boys' zapped me with microwave cannons from the apartments above and below. They do that every night, apparently acting as agents of their (nonexistent) god. Doing God's work! Gerash is a Jew and I am a Goy (non-Jew), so apparently there is nothing morally wrong with it. I can't find it in the 613 Mitzvots (commandments). Indeed, I doubt that I could find such a prohibition in modern criminal law! True, such a practice would probably be covered under 'harrassment' and 'criminal assault' laws, but how could the ACSD possibly investigate such a claim? What (probably Jewish) judge would even grant the cops a 'search warrant' in such a case? My only evidence is my personal experience! And even if a search warrant was issued, Gerash has 'connections' within the Criminal Justice System which would alert him in plenty of time to move the incriminating devices elsewhere. 'The Law' understands obvious crimes like a knife in the back or a bullet in the chest, but a microwave radiation assault is, almost by definition, uninvestigatable. Unpunishable.
TGIF13! Last week's hangover wasn't as bad as expected, thank, uh, goodness. Two beers left from last week for a total of 14 beers available for tonight. I'll try to limit my intake tonight also. We'll see how that goes. Sip. Not buzzing at all yet at 1517. Rereading last week's posts just now I spotted a grammatical error... standby... fixed it. Sip. Still not buzzing. Sip.
Last night was a kind of Rocky Mountain Horror Show as Gerash and his 'boys' zapped me with microwave cannons from the apartments above and below. They do that every night, apparently acting as agents of their (nonexistent) god. Doing God's work! Gerash is a Jew and I am a Goy (non-Jew), so apparently there is nothing morally wrong with it. I can't find it in the 613 Mitzvots (commandments). Indeed, I doubt that I could find such a prohibition in modern criminal law! True, such a practice would probably be covered under 'harrassment' and 'criminal assault' laws, but how could the ACSD possibly investigate such a claim? What (probably Jewish) judge would even grant the cops a 'search warrant' in such a case? My only evidence is my personal experience! And even if a search warrant was issued, Gerash has 'connections' within the Criminal Justice System which would alert him in plenty of time to move the incriminating devices elsewhere. 'The Law' understands obvious crimes like a knife in the back or a bullet in the chest, but a microwave radiation assault is, almost by definition, uninvestigatable. Unpunishable.