Friday, April 27, 2012
Beginning beer #1 at 1505. Sip. I'm currently 'recovering' from a simultaneous gas/rad attack which produced the usual coughing, tearing, sneezing, and snuffing-up of huge mucus flows. Sniffff! Apparently pleased by my reaction, the obsessed stalker above me signaled his presense by tapping. Friday's Blog has begun.
Last night was about a 13-hour combination of sleep and radiation torture. I seem to have got enough of both. Sip. Tonight's 'link dump' should be endlessly interesting! (And I mean that literally.) I 'got to' the subjects in a very serendipidous manner, beginning with absent-mindedly reading some of my old blog notes (on paper). I was looking for some subject matter for tonight. That then led me to start at the beginning of this blog (daily scratchpad). I read and tested the links as I went along, eventually stumbling on tonight's subject, Paradise-Engineering.
Oh threats of Hell and Hopes of Paradise!
One thing at least is certain-- This Life flies;
One thing is certain and the rest is Lies;
The flower that once has blown forever dies.
Paradise-Engineering had previously been the job of Religion: 'First you die; then you go to Heaven, maybe.'
That 'maybe' has always been a problem, and there has never been a shortage of soothsayers who - for a price - will guide you on the right path to Paradise. 'The Faithful' (the gullible) believed. They eschewed Science and favored Religion. They tithed. They believed. They obeyed. They tithed... In John They Trusted.
Then came the modern world in which - ironically - Science seems to offer 'Paradise' without the 'maybe!'
Don't ya just love it? I do.
Beginning beer #1 at 1505. Sip. I'm currently 'recovering' from a simultaneous gas/rad attack which produced the usual coughing, tearing, sneezing, and snuffing-up of huge mucus flows. Sniffff! Apparently pleased by my reaction, the obsessed stalker above me signaled his presense by tapping. Friday's Blog has begun.
Last night was about a 13-hour combination of sleep and radiation torture. I seem to have got enough of both. Sip. Tonight's 'link dump' should be endlessly interesting! (And I mean that literally.) I 'got to' the subjects in a very serendipidous manner, beginning with absent-mindedly reading some of my old blog notes (on paper). I was looking for some subject matter for tonight. That then led me to start at the beginning of this blog (daily scratchpad). I read and tested the links as I went along, eventually stumbling on tonight's subject, Paradise-Engineering.
Oh threats of Hell and Hopes of Paradise!
One thing at least is certain-- This Life flies;
One thing is certain and the rest is Lies;
The flower that once has blown forever dies.
Paradise-Engineering had previously been the job of Religion: 'First you die; then you go to Heaven, maybe.'
That 'maybe' has always been a problem, and there has never been a shortage of soothsayers who - for a price - will guide you on the right path to Paradise. 'The Faithful' (the gullible) believed. They eschewed Science and favored Religion. They tithed. They believed. They obeyed. They tithed... In John They Trusted.
Then came the modern world in which - ironically - Science seems to offer 'Paradise' without the 'maybe!'
Don't ya just love it? I do.