Friday, January 27, 2012


Trusting the System.

Beginning beer #5 at 1705 - which brings us to my HMO, Kaiser Permante:
My yearly vision exam had revealed the sorry state of vision in my right eye. (The eye at which 'they' had been aiming their IMW for many years.) The eye doctor therefore recommended Cataract Surgery. She informed me that both eyes had cataracts but that the right eye was severely impaired. I knew that, of course, and also knew that the 'procedure' would involve cutting into the eyeball, removing the lens, then replacing it with a manufactured substitute. Yuck. I dreaded the idea. My eyes were still good enough to 'get me through the day.' (Another Blogger problem. Reset.)
I reluctantly agreed to undergo 'the procedure.' I feared that Gerash would somehow 'become involved' and possibly 'buy a botch.' But the vision in that eye was already so bad that it didn't much matter at that point. I refrained from researching the subject on the internet (Kootch just waved 'goodnight') for fear of alerting Gerash. I was forced to 'trust the system.' I trusted. Very difficult, but I had no choice. I made the appointment (faint boom) on a public telephone. I didn't even tell Kootch until the day before.
On the appointed day (Wednesday) I secured the hallway door with the usual digital padlocks and we headed downtown to the Kaiser facility.
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