Friday, November 04, 2011


From The Big Lie to The Big Truth.

Working on Diet Pepsi #5 at 1155. Sip. I'm somewhat sleep-deprived due to the nightly microwave torture, but not enough to warrant a nap. Lets start at the very bottom:
Obummer's Drug Tzar Tzucks. LEAP: White House Dismisses Popular Marijuana Petitions. Lies, lies...
Five Favorite Law Enforcement Lies About Marijuana. Interesting.
Alcohol is More Than Twice as Harmful as Marijuana. But alcohol prohibition proved to be disasterous (hint, hint). This might also be a good argument for the 'synergetic method' of intoxication which uses both drugs in moderation. BTW, Marijuana also works synergetically with LSD when smoked during the 'coming down' (re-assembly) phase of an Acid Trip: it considerably reduces that 'overcaffinated feeling' and 'strangens things up' again. We always used it that way during tripping. We never tried mixing booze and Acid. I don't think that would work very well.
Montell Williams on Medical Marijuana. I saw him on Dr. Oz recently, but the subject never came up (eheh).
Apparently there is even a Sex-Pot 'synergy.' Hmm. I don't remember...
Prescription Pain Killers cause most OD deaths. Worse than Heroin or Cocaine! But the 'important thing' is that they are legal. Right? Oh, and don't forget the money (it's the money, honey).
Halfway through Diet Pepsi #6. Sip.
This chart allows you to compare various drugs in terms of their 'lethality' and 'dependence potential.' Notice that LSD is lowest in both categories. I would add also that LSD is highest in Entheogen-ic effects, a winning combination!
Dr. Lester Grinspoon on Marijuana and his son Danny's chemotherapy. Beautiful interview.
Outa Diet Pepsi but not yet ready for beer, so I'll publish now and return later. Stay tuned!
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