Friday, August 26, 2011


The Price of Shit.

I would certainly be open to an equitable agreement, of course, in lieu of the current (Kootch is hitting the sack and graciously accepted my request for another beer (#5) as she exited the local poopery. Sip.) grotesque scenerio. That is to say that I am willing to sell my shit for a price. I would want to settle on a fair price. of course. I shit almost every day, and Gerash has lots of money. What would Gerash be willing to pay? Fifty dollars per ounce? Five hundred? And other possible economic factors come to mind: Would my Irish shit eventually become popular among Jewish homosexual lawyers? Money, honey!!
And I can produce lots of shit when the occasion demands! Indeed, I think that I could virtually guarantee six ounces of prime Irish Shit per day! That's 3000 dollars per day at 500/oz! Hmm!
Seems a shame to just flush it...
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