Friday, August 19, 2011


Mad Cowboy Disease

TGIF. Beertime! Amazingly I have six beers left over from last week. I'm seeing a trend here: When the whiskey ran out I didn't replace it; I had four beers left over last week, and they were joined by two more beers this week for a total of six beers. Add a 12-pack to that for a grand total of 18 beers available for tonight. Hmm. Sounds a bit ominous... Old age? Now for tonight's reread... Yep. I like it. I corrected the usual spelling error and am now working on beer #2, buzzing slightly. Time for this week's link dump, the theme of which is, Mad Cowboy Disease. What a glorious zinger! I heard it on CNN the other day and knew instantly what it meant: Texas Ego, Bush type. Texas seems to spawn these folks at an alarming rate. Rick Perry is the most recent iteration, making for interesting politics. Obama's dream Republican ticket would seem to be Rick Perry for president and Michelle Bachman for Vice President! Please God... Please... Please... Please!
Rick Perry is an Idiot. Will he learn from Bush's mistakes?
Obama is leading from behind? I thought that was my exclusive technique. Sniff.
And this little observation zings Ron Paul, who was apparently so taken with Aynn Rand that he gave his son her last name.
Mad Cowboy Disease: The song.
And lastly, Not nice guys, but cowards, finish last.
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