Friday, August 05, 2011


The Decisive Difference.

While we're (tap) on the subject of Gerash I should mention a bizarre incident recently where he managed to convey some of his insane (small thump) ideation my way: I was watching a Nightline video concerning the Jaycee Dugard Kidnapping. As I watched, I heard a series of taps from above. The taps seemed to be conveying the message that Gerash considered us to be in a similar situation: Gerash is Phillip Garrido and I am Jaycee Dugard. Very interesting.
There are some similarities, believe it or (thump) not:
  1. Gerash is older.
  2. We are of opposite 'sex' (Gerash is queer).
  3. Gerash dominates the situation.
  4. Gerash manipulates 'the authorities' (the ACSD).
These are striking similarities. And obviously both Gerash and Garrido are obsessed (tap) with their 'victims.' But that is, after all, 'pretty thin soup.' The differences are completely overwhelming:
  1. I am not 'caged.' I can move out of the situation. (But Gerash would insist that I am 'psychologically caged.')
  2. I am not alone. I have Kootch. (But Gerash would insist that Kootch has been 'neutralized' to some (unknown to me) extent.)
  3. I am not sexually violated in a physical sense. (Yet.)
  4. I possess a loaded .357 magnum, and I am willing to use it.
And I could go on and on of course. It is that last point that makes the decisive difference. And as I was typing the above, Gerash (or his agent) changed the font several times, demonstrating that 'he is in a position of power and control.' But that is his delusion. The font dominates... (thump)
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