Friday, June 24, 2011


Test Dummy Report continued: Night-time Attacks

This is a good time to describe the nighttime attacks, since I'm thinking about it: The first symptom is a slow swelling in my left nasal mucosa, indicating a 'continuous wave' (not pulsed or modulated) attack. Why always the left side? My conjecture is that 'they' prefer to aim away from 'friendly forces.' More importantly, the bedroom window is only two or three feet away from my right arm, therefore they must attack me from my left side. They always begin with a CW (continuous wave) attack. The high 'average power' causes noticable heating in the spring and fall. They are literally 'slow-cooking' me. I face away, laying on my right side, but the swelling in the left mucosa continues for some time. I usually fall asleep in that position. They usually reduce power enough to allow about 5 hours of sleep. Then they wake me up with a very powerful pulsed attack. I almost always wake up vibrating furiously. That is, the surface components of my musculature from the sholders up are vibrating. It feels almost like the bed is vibrating. Soon after I show signs of being awake they slowly lengthen the pulse (tap) width. Over a period of about 10-15 minutes the attack changes from a pulsed attack to a CW attack and noticible heating begins. I often have to pull the covers down to my waist in order to keep cool, even though the room temperature is 60 degrees and the fans are blowing 50 degree air right at me. Often, while I am sitting on the edge of the bed putting on my shoes and socks my nose begins to drip due to CWR. My conjecture is that sitting or standing brings me closer to the radiation source above me, allowing more radiation to penetrate to the nasal mucosa, causing the defensive reaction of watery mucus production. My eyes also 'water' suggesting that the eyes also produce a defensive reaction.
You might think that the most effective attack would come from below: 'They' would be able to position their 'apparatus' very close to the ceiling, thus increasing the intensity of the radiation. But I have 'shielded' most of the bed by (beginning beer #5 at 1557) inserting metal cookie sheets between the box springs and the mattress. Although some of the radiation 'passes through' the metal cookie sheets, much of it is reflected back. This might be another reason for attacking me at an angle from the left side.
And just by the way, This sort of radiation (and maybe all radiation) obeys 'The inverse-square law' (twice the distance, four times weaker). You won't find this law anywhere in The Bible, of course.
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