Friday, June 03, 2011


Life's Last Adventure

Kootch has hit the sack.
That completes my small list of planned subjects for tonight other than links to APOD and PUSSY.
Doctor Kevorkian 'bit the biggie' today. We all get to do it eventually. I can hardly wait. The good doctor was against the idea of the modern American version of death, which prolongs the agony of the individual while simultaneously enriching the medical establishment. He thought that, once the inevitable was absolutely clear, and the patient was willing, ordinary doctors (tap) should be allowed to terminate life by administering lethal drugs. I had (and still have) mixed feelings about the subject. There is the possibility of abuse, for example, which should be a concern.
But dying should (stomp above) be life's last adventure! Really! And indeed, death should be accomplished not in some dreary hospital on some grotesque machine, but instead in a modern Hospice staffed by enlightened guides who understand that ultimate process, and who can help you enjoy. Your dying should be a celebration! You should die surrounded by family(tap), and by enlightened professionals who understand. 
There should be a 'Dying Industry.' And there is.
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