Friday, June 17, 2011


From Vagina to Orphanage.

Working on beer 4 at 1618. Sip.
I have great respect for the concept of 'theory:' Evolution theory, Germ Theory, Nuclear Theory... 'Theory' is a scientific concept. There is no 'Religion Theory.' Religions 'Know!' What is a 'theory?' (Listening to Bethoven Piano Concerto #1, 3rd movement. I love it, but when it ends, it stops and I have to restart it. You folks at You Tube need to add a 'continuous play' option.)
I like the Wikipedia description of the concept of 'theory.' Accordingly I have come up with, The Theory of My Life. The theory 'explains' much of the bizarre 'phenomenon' in my life. Nothing contradicts the theory, and the theory accomodates all of those bizarre phenomenon. Accordingly, I hereby proclaim my 'Theory of My Life:' I will begin with the basics, which are not at all unusual:
I was born. Male. 'Catholic,' otherwise normal. 1935. Father Irish Catholic. Mother German, other, Lutheran.
I 'grow up' normally except age 6-7 isolated on a farm w/one younger bro and one younger sis. I learn to 'self-entertain,' (tap). War. We moved to 'the city.' I learn to read and write. We move again to another city. We move again to another house. School after school. Confused. Back to grandma's house in Charleston about 1946. Father and mother split. Mother and grandmother take care of the (now) 4 of us (another girl). I have already had several 'spontaneous orgasms' while running. I don't understand, but like it. I discover masturbation. Aha. Same thing! A friend explains sex with female same thing, but she might get pregnant if you don't use a 'cunion.' Hmm! No daddy to explain my emerging sexuality. Mother/grandmother fight. Priest suggests Catholic orphanage. No daddy. Mother/grandmother unable to agree/take care of us. Palm us off except for youngest sister. Bro and I are so traumatized that we both wet the bed our first night in the orphanage.    
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