Wednesday, March 09, 2011


Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust...

Greetings and salutations. Beginning beer #2 at 1540 (fart). Sip. Slight buzz. Time to reread last week's posts. Standby... alright! Just as I remember. I read it sober the day after I wrote it but wasn't impressed in my hungover state. Buzzed now - and after adequate sleep - I can appreciate the subtlties more. Sip.
Beginning beer #3 at 1603. Kootch is in the LR watching Star Trek (the original). I watched the first part of it with her while downing beer #1.
My 'neighbors' have recently reduced the intensity of their night-time radiation attacks. (Two more farts. 'Refried beens' is the culprit in case you were wondering, and there is also an interesting 'laxitive effect.' I do them at least once a week. Keeps me 'regular' and, of course, I love to fart. Don't you? Another great fart/poop generator is Split Pea Soop. Us retired folks with no social life really have it made, fartwise. Fun!)
Anyway (back from the fridge with beer #4), I was feeling halfway intelligent today after a good night's (for me) sleep, so I did a little pre-booze prep for tonight's seance:
A Solar Eruption Video. This is a 'must see,' folks.
Advice for Sheen, Khadaffy and other megalomaniacs.
Tonight's Pussy.
Gang Violence.
(The Badass Blog Botherer (tap) is active again. I removed the unwanted carriage returns.)

Also, today is Ash Wednesday: 'Remember that Thou art Dust, and Unto Dust Thou Shalt Return.' Genises 3:19. Also Here. WOW! Here is THE single, central truth of human existence! In fucking Genises?! But what follows from that?
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