Friday, January 14, 2011


Stream of Consciousness

Working on beer #6 as I investigate 'mental illness...' Aha: Mental (tap) Disorder (tap). Yas...
As you already know, I live in a world full of Idiots. I also live in a world full of psychotic-sons-of- bitches. Really. Between the idiots and the psychotics are the deluded, categories which all overlap considerably. The category of the deluded is the largest category. And there are other categories. When Kootch 'disregarded' or 'belittled' my explanation of her nose dripping it was a mild example of 'dissociation.' It was her way of 'denying' (wall bang above) something which was too painful to contemplate. I understand. I therefore don't 'press the issue' with her. Poor Kootch.
Concerning the stalker Gerash, I am not so predisposed to be 'gentle.' Gerash is a 'piece of Jewish dogshit.' That characterization is, of course, 'emotional.' There is no such psychiatric category. I use it only for the purpose of 'getting your attention.' Gerash is a 'Stalker.' And I should mention at this point that the various 'psychiatric categories' into which various people seem to 'fit' are merely 'guidelines.' Various 'categories' overlap and blend into each other. The 'psychiatric categories' are guides only. People's brains are much more complex that categories.
In addition to being a 'stalker,' Gerash is a psychopath. He is also Delusional. Gerash also exhibits the emotional disorder, Obsessive Love. This implies homosexuality of course (not a psychiatric category), but 'hate' goes with it. In other words, Walter Gerash is a Jewish queer who 'loves/hates' me. Gerash 'hovers over me' like god, 'communicating' with me via stomps, taps, wall-bangs, gas, and microwave radiation. Gerash suffers from 'ego-dystonic sexual orientation.'
It all began with 'hangup' phone calls back in the '70s.
Gerash apparently first 'targeted me' back in about 1967 after I arrived in Denver.
I first met Gerash (tap) in late 1975. He had already been stalking me for years. By that time I had become his hobby. His 'life's work.' I remain, to this day, his 'life's work.'
Gerash wants to punish me because he sees his attraction/obsession as indicating his repressed homosexuality. Gerash is a Jew. He knows how to convince other Jews to assist him in his obsession. 'God hates faggots.' Gerash believes that based on his reading of The Bible. Gerash wants god to love him. Gerash therefore attacks me, hoping that god will notice his efforts against me and overlook his homosexuality. Gerash believes in god. I don't. In fact, I ridicule Gerash's dumb-ass god (tap) in my blog from time to time. (Interestingly, this seems to have become a sort of 'stream of consciousness' post. I like it!
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