Friday, January 21, 2011


Preventing Type One Herpes Infections.

Kootch has hit the sack. She recently complained (very uncharacteristically) that she was 'cold.' She later informed me that she might be 'Coming down with something.' Hmm... (Being gassed here at 1920 - R lung gas. Nasal tissues also swelling (tap).)
Piers Morgan and George Clooney on CNN at 1923. Sipping on beer #12?! Huh?
This seems to bring us to (heavy Face Rad causing much nasal swelling and mucus flow) the end of tonight's blog. Nope (tap).
I need to favor my 'fellow man' (you dumbasses out there) with a recent 'health study' concerning the prevention of Type One Herpes Infections: Wash your lip and mouth areas after eating! This will prevent nutrients on the skin - leftover from eating - from nourishing that virus lurking in the surface skin cells of your lips and mouth openings. Granted, the 'study' is 'anecdotal' in that I am the sole participant, but I nevertheless have a high degree of confidence in that advice. Prove me wrong if you can...
I just interacted with Kootch when she went into the kitchen for something at 1952. I asked her if she still felt 'sick,' and the very sleepy Kootch replied in the negative. Good news.
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