Wednesday, October 06, 2010


What More Proof do You Need?

But before you label me permanently as a 'Vile Racist AntiSemite' I need to interdict. I need to destroy your supply lines with my Air Power. And I have a lot of Air Power. I have, for example, my keyboard, connected to my computer, connected to my 'modem,' connected to the internet. Rotsa air power! I am one powerful muthafuck! I tap, tap, tap on my keyboard, expressing my Air Power once a week. (Once a week is enough!) You read me. You are or are not influenced as a result. But you read me. You sample my power. You taste, smell, touch, me. Then you decide. I am influential. That's 'Air Power.'
But am I really a Vile Racist AntiSemite? Not really. Here is why: I actually love certain Jews! (Walter Gerash excepted of course.)
I won't mention names, of course, except in the case of deceased Jews who are thereby immune from 'consequences.' At the top of that list is, Carl Sagan.
Carl Sagan appeared in our lives on TV in the late '70s. We had already done lots of Acid. We (as a family) would watch Cosmos 'religiously' every week and discuss each and every show. I was 'family teacher' given Kootch's 'cultural ignorance.' We all loved Carl Sagan. We did not know, at the time, that Sagan was a Jew. How could we know? (stomping above) Why would we care? We loved Carl Sagan for who he was. We didn't have tape recorders or DVD recorders back in those days; otherwise we would have recorded each and every one of those magnificent weekly shows!

I thought until recently that those gloriously beautiful weekly shows vanished with time. Not so! HULU to the rescue! Cosmos Intro. I love that music so much! I love Carl Sagan so much!
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