Wednesday, October 06, 2010


I Become a Journalist.

Folks, I are a Journarist! Rearry! Remember Rick Sanchez? He used to work for CNN. He was fired recently. Seems he dissed Jon Stewart of The Daily Show (working on beer #4 @1618). Stewart is a Jew. (Uhoh!) Sanchez suggested - in effect - that Jews run CNN. Horrors! Jews?! Jews run one of the most authoritative and important news organizations in the world!? Heaven fucking forbid! Jews everywhere were outraged, of course. I was amused. I investigated further. Turned out that Stuart had been dissing Sanchez on his show. Hmm. I formulated a theory: Sanchez was a Cuban-American who had been born in Cuba, and who had emigrated to America at the age of two. The Cubans probably don't circumcise their male newborns. Conclusion: Sanchez was sexually intact, whereas Stewart the Jew was sexually bereft (mutilated). Provisional theory: Stewart was suffering from Jewish Penis Envy (JPE), hence his attacks on Sanchez. Sanchez was just 'getting even' when he dissed the Jew Jon on the satellite radio show, Stand Up With Pete Dominick.
Enter TIVO. I noticed Rick Sanchez's photo on The View as I walked into the LR. I turned on the sound. Barbara Walters was calling Rick Sanchez an Anti-Semite! Eeeuuwe. It doesn't get much worse than that, folks, the ultimate Jewish diss being 'Vile Anti-Semite.' To Barbara's eternal credit she refrained from using that ultimate Jewish dissword, vile. Good girl! I Wicked Barbara Walters: Total Jew! No surprise, of course, given her obvious hatred for Sanchez. I also wicked the other girls on the show: one Christian, one Atheist/Agnostic former Catholic, and one (being gassed slightly here, RLG) an African-American woman name of Whoopi Goldberg. She apparently changed her first name to 'Whoopi' as a joke (whoopi cushion) and her last name to Goldberg (stagename: Whoopi Goldberg) because her mother thought that the family name, Johnson, 'was not Jewish enough to make her a star.' Note that.
It turned out that Barbara Walters was horrified at the thought that American media consumers might be misled into believing that American Media was controlled by Jews because of what Rick Sanchez had suggested. Sheeit!
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