Wednesday, October 06, 2010


Check the Nearest Penis: is it Mutilated?

Popped open beer #7 @ 1808. Sip. Time now for a bit of reality:
Jews do indeed largely control American Media. To argue otherwise is to be ignorant or disengenous. Whoopi's mother knew that. Whoopi's 'name change' was in fact, a giant kiss of the American Media's Jewish Ass. Apparently it worked. Barbara Walters is either a liar or a total Jewish Ignoramus, the former being most likely. The other women on the panel were 'cowed' by the fact that they both knew the truth of the matter, but that if they offered any resistance to Walters' thesis, they would be targeted by American Media 'higher-ups.' Smart girls. They keep their jobs... for now...
I could have let it go at that: Jewish Penis Envy produced the Sanchez-Stewart dustup. But being a 'real journalist' I Googled further. Rick Sanchez killed Jeffery Smuzinick! Wha....? I then put 2+2 together: 'Jeffery Smuzinick' sounds highly Jewish, given my knowlege of Jewish names. Did Sanchez 'get away with' a criminal assault against a drunk Jew? Whoa! Game changer! Totally blows my JPE theory! Now I'm with The Jews! New Mother Fucking Theory! Did Walters know that? If so, that would explain her use of the A-word. Hmmm... I also discovered this relevant blog post. Wow. It's complicated...
But I can assure you (tap) readers out there that Jews 'control America' in several important areas, to wit:
Media: Jews largely control American media.
Politics: Jews largely control American politics.
Healthcare: Jews largely control American healthcare.
Finance: Jews largely control the American Financial System.
To sum up: approximately 5 percent of a Tribal American Population controls America! What proof do I have of that? Your penis. Your husband's penis. Your sons' penises.
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