Wednesday, September 01, 2010


Eternal Life = Enjoying The Moment

1822 and I am working on beer #9... aborted!

'History' has always bored me, even my own. So I just put that 'open beer' in the fridge and poured myself a double shot of Canadian Mist and Diet Pepsi. I live in the moment. Do you live In The Moment? No? Shame on you.

'The Moment' is a Buddhist idea (I think - being gassed here). The expression means that the subject (you) is not thinking about personal history or possible personal future, but is instead focused on The Eternal Now, which is to say, The Moment.

I first learned about 'The Moment' while reading books by 'Osho' (otherwise known as Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh) back in the late '80s - early '90s. I decided to try 'living in the moment.' I found the perfect tool for that, women's panties: It was almost impossible for me to forget that I was wearing women's underpants! so I simply remembered that 'I was alive in the moment' whenever I felt those lovely sensations below the belt. Wow! What a reminder!
Think about it this way:
The universe has existed for 13.7 billion years. Long time. You don't remember.
After you die, The Universe will continue to exist for many more billions of years. Another long fucking time. You won't remember.
Furthermore: you did not remember your birth. Do you think you will remember your death?
Probably not.
Only Now remains. Nothing else remains. Live now. Enjoy your eternal life!
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