Wednesday, August 11, 2010


The Meaning of Personal Power

Popped open beer #5 @ 1458L. Sip. Buzzed. Nasal tissues throbbing. Mucus flowing. Eyes tearing. Nose blowing.
Whoa! Blogger has a new (tap) feature whereby the blogger can get an idea of how much 'traffic' hir blog gets every day/week/month. You might not believe this, folks, but there are people who actually read this blog! OMG! Sheeeit. I thought only Gerash read this blog. Enjoy, folks, but don't let The Jews catch you at it... No telling what they'll do to you...
And speaking of 'Power Brokers', I am definitely in that particular category in the sense that I don't own a Cell Phone. You wanna call me? Dial my landline. You wanna speak to me? Ask my wife. That's personal power, folks. I have a lot of it.
Think of it this way: You are a neuron, part of a huge brain. You 'fire' now and then as a result of 'electro-chemical connections' (eheh). But you have few such dendritic connections. Why? Because you are a rare 'awakened' neuron. You minimize dendritic buzz. You are also an 'important' neuron, but you prefer to 'fly below the radar.' You fire a few times a week or so in service to the giant organ you inhabit; but most of the time you fire in 'self mode.' You absolutely love being a single neuron firing in self-mode. That's me, folks.
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