Wednesday, August 25, 2010


From Your Lips to God's Ass

Beginning beer (Gas and heavy 'face rad' forced me to evacuate the BR for the KT. Whew.) #2 at 1449. Buzz beginning also.
Regarding last week's posts, the lessons have been learned: (1) Always have whiskey backup. It's much less expensive and more immediate. (2) Do the difficult parts during the week while sober, and save the 'philosophy' for booze night. I have yet to learn this one, as I am now beginning beer #3 at 1510. But here's some Beethoven which is fun both auditorially and visually: Piano concerto #2, movement 3. Finding and listening consumed a beer of my time. Sip.
I like the idea in #5 below that God has a really huge ass that needs constant kissing. This 'ass kissing' takes the form of 'praising' and 'surrendering' (in Protestantism); 'genuflecting' and 'cross-signing' (in Catholicism,) and 'prostration' (in Islam.) Jews wear certain garments like the yarmulke and the prayer shawl and the Tefellin while ass-kissing, and often bob back and forth while reciting nonsense. The most extreme form of ass kissing is practiced by both Jews and Muslims in the form of male genital mutilation (circumcision). Butt the vast majority of real celestial ass kissing is verbal 'lip service.'
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