Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Chessfilia Incontinence Disorder
(Buzzing nicely at 1508L as I begin beer #3.) This might be a good time to do that chess game. Will I be able to understand how it might have been interfered with the last two times? (Boom above me). We shall see:
1. e4 d5
2. ed Qd5
3. Nc3 Qe5+ (usual is 3...Qa5)
4. Be2 e6
5. Nf3 Qf6
6. d4 Bb4 (This is looking familiar)
7. O-O Bc3
8. Bg5 Qf5
9. bc3 Nc6
10. Bd3 Qa5
11. Re1 Qc3
12. d5 Nd4?? (Now you can see why I call this, 'pussy chess.')
13. Nd4 Qc5 (Much better than 13... Qd4??? 14. Bb5+)
14. Nb3 Qd5
15. Bb5+ Kf8
16. Qd5 f5
17. Qd8+ Kf7
18. Be8+ (17.Qe8 mates!)
18... Kf8
19. Bg6 Mate!
Whew. Playing and annotating a game while buzzing is an extremely difficult undertaking. I was so reluctant to go pee while I was doing the above game that I wet (tap) my pants. Could have been worse, I suppose.
(Buzzing nicely at 1508L as I begin beer #3.) This might be a good time to do that chess game. Will I be able to understand how it might have been interfered with the last two times? (Boom above me). We shall see:
1. e4 d5
2. ed Qd5
3. Nc3 Qe5+ (usual is 3...Qa5)
4. Be2 e6
5. Nf3 Qf6
6. d4 Bb4 (This is looking familiar)
7. O-O Bc3
8. Bg5 Qf5
9. bc3 Nc6
10. Bd3 Qa5
11. Re1 Qc3
12. d5 Nd4?? (Now you can see why I call this, 'pussy chess.')
13. Nd4 Qc5 (Much better than 13... Qd4??? 14. Bb5+)
14. Nb3 Qd5
15. Bb5+ Kf8
16. Qd5 f5
17. Qd8+ Kf7
18. Be8+ (17.Qe8 mates!)
18... Kf8
19. Bg6 Mate!
Whew. Playing and annotating a game while buzzing is an extremely difficult undertaking. I was so reluctant to go pee while I was doing the above game that I wet (tap) my pants. Could have been worse, I suppose.