Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Updating Last Week

Rereading last week's posts just now I spotted a possibly misleading phrase concerning 'red residue.' The implication was that Shiro had injured my feet to the point that they had actually bled. Not so. The 'red residue' was blood from Shiro's feet, and was located near my head. Shiro's 'grooming' had not injured me at all, and she had done a perfect job on my feet. It amazes me that she was able to sense the abnormality of that hard dry skin and use her natural gnawing instinct to 'groom me.' She didn't touch my nails at all. Rats are lovely little pets. Also, Shiro might be the only rat I ever slept with all night. At one time I had about 20 rats, and I would occasionally put them all under the covers (rats absolutely need 'cover') and get in there with them. They would joyfully run around all over me under there, pooping occasionally. After we had all had our fun I would put them back in their cages and dispose of the poops. I would give the young ones to the pet shop when they were old enough. Tearful times. Some of those friendly riddle rats no doubt got adopted, but some of them no doubt ended up as snake food (tap).
And concerning (5) below, this was the result of having drunk the last of my Canadian Mist. No more CM for tonight. This will be a 12 beer night, and my previous experience tells me that tomorrow's hangover will be 'more gentle.'
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