Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Glorious Tits!

Kootch just wished me 'goodnight' at 1945L. She recently cooked up some yummy stuff, which she calls (?). I love it. It's an 'iteration' of Kootch's special leftover spaghetti sauce w/egg plant, oven-baked with soft yellow Taco slices. Yum! It's so soft that Kootch used it as a 'dip' for her nachos tonight. I'm gonna love tonight's supper.
Whoa. I'm getting waay too drunk waay too soon. Enough with this 'stream of consciousness' crap. Time to get serious. Time for a rink dump: Pussy first: Oh my god!
Ratness. That simple upload refused to work. LJDS seems to have prevented it.
But WHEW! It worked after a while as I fiddled with the controls. Ha! What a glorious yum-yum!
I love her Asian face, of course. Why? (heavy nose rad causing constant sneezing)
That should be obvious: I lost my virgininity to a Japanese woman. In fact, she was reluctant to believe that she was my very first fuck! I was so good right at the beginning that she was reluctant to believe me. Kootch later 'discovered' me. She wrapped her legs around me as I fucked her pregnant. She fell in love with me. The feeling was mutual. We were both good fucks!
What I love about the woman above is that she is so natural. No Silicon. I do not like Silicon T-T. Not. Tits are extremely variable. Artificial tits are undesirable. For every (stomp above me) variety of tit there is a male tit lover. You girls out there need to love your glorious tits!