Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Blessed Marijuana!


Working on beer #6 at 1750L. Missing the Evening News. Beginning beer #7 at 1800L. Boy this is fun! Where was I? Ah! Doing Acid!
Our oldest daughter, Kathleen, had hooked up with a fellah name of Mark Sandstrom. Mark was a pleasant fellow who did certain drugs, namely Marijuana and LSD. Mark turned us all on to Marijuana. Awesome stuff! We all loved it. I found it to be very synergistic with booze. It had a 'de-irritant' effect which totally mellowed me out. I would lose all interest in booze and become totally interested in food instead, after smoking a little Marijuana. Furthermore, Marijuana would destroy all and any anger which booze might have generated within the concurrent social situation. Marijuana destroyed anger, especially booze-amplified anger! Blessed Ganja! Hooray for Medical Marijuana! Do you drink too much? Do you become angry and aggressive when you drink booze? Do you want to enjoy booze but cancel out anger? Smoke Marijuana! Marijuana is the cure, folks. I still have painful memories of how I would 'chew out' Keiko as I became buzzed on beer and how I would then become so blissed out by a few tokes of Ganja that I would almost tearfully apologize to poor Kootch whom I had just recently verbally abused. I strongly recommend Marijuana, folks. Grow your own! It's fun!
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