Thursday, July 01, 2010


Bad Smells


Kootch got tired of my music and closed her bedroom door. She just sits there playing video games...

Rats! I missed the Evening News. Barf. ABC was the only 'casualty' I hope. Lessee... Ok, I just watched Ann Curry (yum!) do the NBC version. CBS will have to wait. During the broadcast I scribbled, 'Pussy!' on the back of an envelope, intending to remind me to post some or other sexy photo in my 'Interesting' file. so... lessee... Nothing works (stomp) at this time. Too drunk. Working on beer #9. Sip. 'Add Image' refuses to work. Is it time to wrap this up? Sip, sip.
Well, folks, it is at these times I am my most dangerous...

Zombie Sightings! Whoa. Zombie Day not far away!?

Orange Sun Simmering. Our local star in a good mood. Thank fucking god for that! Let us all hope fervently that that huge orange muthafuck never 'snaps!' This Wiggles' song refers to those tiny twinkling stars we see at night... butt the nearest star is actually our blazing Sun! Twinkle, twinkle, little star...

Ok, what about 'Good Question?' What would be a 'good question' for tonight? Hmm. Lessee...
Got it! Here is tonight's 'good question:' 'Why is Science - as a method of knowing - superior to the ancient religions which have been around for so long and which the majority of the people in the world understand?

I answer that 'All ancient knowlege is crap. The more ancient it is, the worse it smells. The Bible stinks. The Koran stinks. Those books stink to High Heaven because they have been rotting for centuries. Furthermore, those ancient stinking books are fixed - unchanged by human progress.
Furthermore, we nowadays have a reliable new method for understanding our world: the scientific method. The scientific method replaces all those stinking ancient books, and the result is modern technology: Science produces technology; ancient books produce only bad smells.
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