Thursday, March 18, 2010


Good Enough?

Just checked up on Kootch at 1823L. She is still working on her yellow sweater. Keith Olberman is back on MSNBC, talking about his father's death. I hit 'record' on the DVD recorder. I love Keith Olberman. Sip.
'Health Care!' I have watched this bizarre unfolding over recent months with amazement. The Dems think they have the votes. We shall see. The consensus seems to be, 'Not perfect, but good enough.'
Graco Harmony high chair recall. 1.2 million. 24 injured babies. How many babies were injured during that period by 'The Jewish Knife?' When will we recall 'The Jewish Knife?'
1845L. Finished beer #10. America needs to come to the realization that male infant sexual mutilation is a grotesque Jewish Tribal Ritual, not at all appropriate in a modern society.
Two beers left. Sipping on a glass of Canadian Mist (aha!) and Diet Pepsi.
One million? Lemme check... Awesome data!
Working on a glass of Diet Pepsi and Canadian Mist. Sippywippy! Yum!
Finished at 1927L.
two beers left plus Canadian Mist (eheh).
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