Thursday, March 04, 2010



Barf. 'Cannot contact Blogger.' I'm beginning to think that message means that someone is 'signed on' with me and can 'occupy' the post page when I leave it for another page. Just a guess. After receiving that message I went to the LR where Kootch and I did our usual Millionaire. This week is 'movie week.' Already on my third beer.
I listened to this amazing music last night while playing Drench. I listened over and over as I played Drench over and over. Eventually the piece refused to play again, so I hit the sack. Surprise, surprise! Not much radiation! My log reads,
'Bed at 0030. Not much Rad.'
'Up at 1200 - plenty of sleep'
So here I am again a day early. Reading last week's posts I get the impression that I was very angry. Did you also get that impression?
Wow. Beginning beer #7 at 1823L. I've been reading the previous posts and some of the links. Time flies when you're having fun, but I anticipated a blogging session which would be quite productive given my quantity and quality of sleep. Not so, apparently. Halfway through my stash of beer I am half drunk and not finished with my first blog post. Ok. I'm finished reading 'history.' Do I have anything left?
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