Thursday, February 18, 2010
Fucked Up America
It's the money, honey. There's an old saying about marriage to the effect that, 'The one who has the pussy makes the rules.' Maybe so. The same principle applies to American politics: The ones who have the money (to corrupt government officials) make the rules. Jews have the money, therefore Jews make the rules. I offer the following Goggle/Wiki link in support of my thesis:
Jewish Political Organizations.
Look that up. Now do a Wiki (or Goggle) search of, say, Catholic Political Organizations.
No joy? Ok, try Protestant Political Organizations. Barf. Hmm. Maybe 'Jewish' refers to 'tribe' instead of 'religion.' So lets do a search of (American) Irish political organizations. Hmm. It would seem, from the results of those searches, that Jews are extremely 'political.' Surprise, sur-fucking-prise! Whoever woulda guessed?!
The lesson, of course, to all you idiots out there who are wondering why America is so fundamentally fucked up, is that Jews own America. And Jews are fucked up, therefore America is fucked up. (Check the nearest fucked up penis for more evidence of this conclusion).
It's the money, honey. There's an old saying about marriage to the effect that, 'The one who has the pussy makes the rules.' Maybe so. The same principle applies to American politics: The ones who have the money (to corrupt government officials) make the rules. Jews have the money, therefore Jews make the rules. I offer the following Goggle/Wiki link in support of my thesis:
Jewish Political Organizations.
Look that up. Now do a Wiki (or Goggle) search of, say, Catholic Political Organizations.
No joy? Ok, try Protestant Political Organizations. Barf. Hmm. Maybe 'Jewish' refers to 'tribe' instead of 'religion.' So lets do a search of (American) Irish political organizations. Hmm. It would seem, from the results of those searches, that Jews are extremely 'political.' Surprise, sur-fucking-prise! Whoever woulda guessed?!
The lesson, of course, to all you idiots out there who are wondering why America is so fundamentally fucked up, is that Jews own America. And Jews are fucked up, therefore America is fucked up. (Check the nearest fucked up penis for more evidence of this conclusion).