Friday, January 15, 2010


Surprise, Surprise.

1426L. One beer is down already. Heavy 'nose radiation' just as I logged in to Blogger. Ten sneezes in four minutes; huge mucus flows; several nose-blows (tap); seems to have stopped at 1431L. We shall see. Eyes watering. This is a bit of unusual timing (tap) indicating...?
Standby while I read last week's posts, prepared to be surprised... Amazing. I had forgot almost all of it, but every word clicked except for the word 'kimchee' (spelled with an 'n') as I reread it just now. Viewed from my perspective I am one funny muthafuka while drunk. You are free to think otherwise, of course.
Back to the subject of 'nose rad.' It has been quite heavy the last two or three weeks; lots of nose blowing, and some fine 'bible boogers' in the morning, which I paste faithfully into my Booger Bible. (Does that bother you? Could be worse, you know. I could have selected it as my potty book - with all that implies. Speaking of which, my current pottie book is 'The Long Trip, A Prehistory of Psychedelia' by Paul Devereux. This is an excellent book about the history of mind-altering drug use by various civilizations throughout known history. God and Drugs appear to have an ancient connection. This is no surprise to me, an 'Acid veteran.')
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