Friday, January 15, 2010


I Report. You Decide.

Back to the subject of 'nose rad' (Nose Radiation). This form of microwave energy penetrates flesh to about one half inch or so. It causes intense irritation in the nasal passages when aimed at the face, the result of which is much sneezing and mucus production. In lower concentrations it causes only a constant watery mucus flow, and the nose literally drips mucus. There is no 'urge to sneeze.' (tap) Why am I on this subject tonight? The stalkers want me to be on this subject tonight! Fine with me. Not only was I hit with massive 'nose rad' when I logged in, I was also hit by massive nose rad this morning after Kootch left at 0700L. I had not got quite enough sleep and hoped that they would leave me alone for another hour or two, so I returned to bed. My log reads:
Up at 0800 (1-2 nose rad about 0730)
0807 LR Nose Rad since 0800
0812 LR IRFS, SCRS begins - HEAVY until 0930 --> BR
And the log continues until 1345L. But I want to draw your attention to the second entry, '(Up at 0800 (1-2 nose rad about 0730).' The 1-2 entry refers to a unique instance of nose radiation experienced this morning. There was a sudden intense burning feeling (thump) in only the left nostril. Since I was lying on my right side, the radiation could only have come from the apartment above. This type of radiation causes violent sneezing, but I was unwilling to allow it. (By the way, I love to sneeze!) I lay there, observing my sensations, determined not to give them the satisfaction (tap) of a reaction. My left nostril began throbbing violently as the burning subsided, then it began to drip watery mucus. I lay there, unmoving, observing. Drip, drip, drip. About a minute later my right nostril experienced much the same intense burning. I lay there, unmoving, observing, determined not to sneeze. As the burning subsided I felt the same intense throbbing as before, and that nostril also began to drip, drip, drip. I lay there as both nostrils dripped and the throbbing subsided. After about five minutes or so I grabbed my 'blow nose panties' and got rid of huge amounts of nasal mucus. I felt some 'solids' go by, which might have ended up in my Booger Bible had things been different that morning. Then it was over. I got out of bed soon after.
So there! I hope that you piles of Judeo-Faggot Dog Shit Stalkers are satisfied with that report!
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