Tuesday, November 03, 2009


If it Feels Good, Lick it or Play With it.

I should mention that Nubs seemed a bit restless during the Today Show interview, and his owner kept pulling on Nubs' head in order to keep it in place next to his (the owner's) leg. My guess is that Nubs wanted to lick his penis which was well within reach given his body configuration at the time. Nubs eventually got to 'give it a lick' near the end of the interview. Conjecture: Nubs has loved licking his penis since he was a little doggie and in fact it was this particular aspect of his doggie personality which earned him his snipped ears from an enraged, penis-envious Arab male. Prove me wrong if you can.
Kootch and I watched today's Millionaire just before I began boozing it up for tonight's blog, and I remember a question which had the answer, 'Bark Mitzvah.' Apparently the 'Bark Mitzvah' is an American Jewish idea designed to make a little fun of the Jewish tradition of Bar Mitzvah. Do they place a little yarmulke on the pootch? American Jews are obviously way ahead of Arab Muslims in the 'penis envy department,' but I doubt there will ever be a 'Bark Brisa.'
And in a related development, yesterday's Doctor Oz actually addressed a real problem in American Sex Culture, using the words, 'sexual famine' and 'catastrophe' to describe the current American sexual crisis. He and Doctor Berman have launched a 'National Sex Experiment' to test whether his show can improve the American sexual condition. I doubt it, but this is the right direction. What is needed is for Doctor Oz (et al) to admit the obvious: infant sexual mutilation (circumcision) is a national tragedy and should be outlawed immediately.
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