Thursday, November 12, 2009


Be Heroic

Well folks, I can tell you that I was immensely relieved by that most recent phone call. Lucifer saved my butt!
But before I forget how to do it, here is tonight's link dump. Enjoy:

Mozart piano concerto number 26 part 1 of 2. This is part 1 of the first movement. This concerto is called 'The Coronation Concerto' for some reason. Glorious music!
This is part 2 of the first movement. Beautiful.
This is the second movement. Glorious.
This is the third movement. Sublime.

In other links, I love this story about an inventor who applied modern technology to an ancient problem: How to prevent the spread of disease among devout Catholics through Holy Water. Did this Catholic practice contribute to the high plague death toll in the Middle Ages?

Be Heroic! Nurses who have made a difference to infants they will never meet, male and female.

Carl Sagan was a Pothead! Little did we know at the time as we all did Marijuana before watching Cosmos. And now that I think about it, my 'alternative Christian myth' was inspired by Sagan's observation that, 'If you want to create an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent The Universe.' By the way, I read Lester Grinspoon's book, Psychelic Drugs Reconsidered, in the late '70s-early '80s.

Drench. I love this game! Begin with the square in the upper left hand corner. Select a new color. Your object is to 'drench the board' in a single color. It's addictive. You might want to wear a diaper...

And I love this story: O'bama actually insists on being Commander in Chief! Wow!
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