Tuesday, November 03, 2009


Baaad Idea

The American sexual catastrophe expresses itself in the Muslim world as a rage against (unmutilated) women and dogs. And this brings us back to the principal that, 'Modernity is the Acid Which Dissolves Ancientannity.' Which brings us to Afghanistan. (Huh?!)
I've been doing my research on the question of how to proceed in Afghanistan. I think that I now have the answer on how to proceed, or at least have the direction in which to proceed. Here it is:
We need to extricate. Carefully. We need to back out. But we also need to offer the powers that be there, reparations in the form of assistance toward modernization: better roads, more communications (radio, TV, telephone). A country which lacks the means of communication is not a country, nor is it part of a global community. We need to bring Afghanistan into the 21st century. I suggest that we cut off all aid to Israel and divert those funds instead to Afghanistan where they are really needed. Let the Jews in Israel tap their wealthy bretheren in America, not the US taxpayer. Enough of that, already. More than enough. Waaay more.
For the record I need to credit Matthew Hoh, a genuine American hero, who resigned a plush job in Afghanistan in protest of a disgracefully ignorant American policy there. The original interview with Hoh appeared on CNN's (Kootch just walked by me naked, waved, and said, 'Ta da' on her way to take a shower) Sunday Fareed Zacharia show, and Hoh also appeared on Monday's Today Show interviewed by Matt Lauer (I like those guys!). Buttressing my impressions of those interviews was the interview on CNN of Scott Ritter by Rick Sanchez today. Excellent! The final straw was supplied by video of the Senator from Israel (Lieberman) who was for a much expanded American presence in the region. Bad idea.
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