Friday, March 13, 2009


Training Day

Whenever somebody new moves in upstairs there is always a period of time during which the new tenants are 'trained' in the art and practice of harrassment. Such training includes but is not limited to:
1) Observation (a. watching, b. listening)
2) Communication (a. taps, b. wall bumps, c. stomps, etc.)
3) Harrassment Techniques (a. gas dispensation, b. radiation management)
4) Other
Training stresses that the subject must feel observed 24/7, and that auditory and sensual techniques are the primary means of reinforcing the desired awareness. The subject must rarely be allowed to feel moments of privacy. The 'other' category includes such elements as, timing, situational awareness, relative risks, rescources, etc. Training is extensive for the first two weeks or so, as the surrogates (accomplices) become proficient. This is the period we are now enduring. I call it 'Training Day,' after the well-known movie of that name.

But as the 'other' in this eternal tete' a tete' I get to do a little training myself: Knowing that the newbies can both see me and hear me I begin with the worst-case scenerio, me killing the dumb bastards. Lesson one is my .357 Magnum. When I am sure I have their undivided attention very early on, I bring the .357 into the LR. As they watch me, I unload the weapon. I put the huge slugs on the table. I then open the gun-cleaning kit. I pull out the oily rag therein, and lovingly clean each of the giant rounds (with solid slugs) using the oily rag. I then lovingly wipe the huge revolver using the oily rag. I then check the bore the way they taught me to do many years ago in the USAF: look down the barrel with your thumbnail positioned in the breach to reflect light. Is it clean? Then I give the inside of the barrel a 'wipe' with a cleaning patch. I then lovingly reinsert the six giant catridges back into my beautiful and sexy sidekick.
My lawer (if I had a lawyer) would certainly advise me not to describe what I do next, so I will leave that to your collective imagination. Suffice it to say that 'the newbies' who might have witnessed the ritual got a certain 'education' which was not on the original Judeo-Faggot agenda.
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