Thursday, March 26, 2009


I Know. You Don't Know.

If I may be permitted yet a further observation: Political forces tend to operate behind the curve nowadays because of the incongruity between Law and the flow of information. In the old days when information travelled at the rate of the fastest horse, American Democracy worked. Elections were held at appropriate intervals. Presidents were elected every four years. Senators were elected every six years. Representatives were elected every two years. It all worked, more or less.
But nowadays we are saddled with an ancient system in the midst of an information mileau which travels at the speed of light. Our laws are ancient, whereas our technology is astonishing. The result is that the pathetic idiot GWB should have been ousted at the end of a one year term. But the Evil Republican politicians were able to game the system for three more years, then four more years after that! Barfalonius!
And the problem has not resolved itself with the election of a really intelligent (and glorious!) new president: Political Information continues in the form of endemic gossip, as TV shows like Hardball entertain us with weak information, more or less irrelevant. Wolf Blitzer expounds daily; Olbermann, Maddow do the same. Nobody seems to understand the problem, which is that American Democracy was made obsolete technologically: we live in an age where technology destroyed ideology.
Nobody knows that except me.
And now you know! Run with it!
I should mention at this point that I am a fan of all the Sunday Morning political shows, but that my current favorite is GPS on CNN. Absolutely Stunning!
Good night and good luck.
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