Friday, March 13, 2009


Happy Friday

Re-reading the previous series just now for the first time I can tell you that I remembered all but the last post. I knew when I got out of bed Saturday afternoon with a heavy hangover that I must have drunk way too much, and when I found my whiskey glass next to the computer I was not surprised. That last post must have been created after a double serving of Diet Pepsi and Canadian Mist.
Recent experience indicates that I should return to my previous practice of listing my intended subjects in advance. The inebriation process definitely (being gassed here - unusual while I'm blogging - and Mister Tap-Tap is active too, as usual) disorganizes my agenda and some intended subjects end up in the circular file, so to say. So here it is:
  1. Training Day
  2. O'Bama Style Multi-Tasking
  3. Capitalism Gone Apeshit
  4. Great Sex God's Way
  5. Maddoff Goes to Jail
  6. Shoe-Thrower gets 3 Years
  7. Mexico on the Brink


Happy Friday the 13th!

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