Friday, March 13, 2009


Capitalism Gone Apeshit

Before going further into inebriated territory I want mention my admiration for the way the current administration has been maneuvering in the current political mileau. And I loved the Republican Meltdown recently. Way to go! Ya gotta love Rash Limbo if you're any kinda rationalist at all. What a glorious idiot!
O'Bama has been criticised recently for trying to do too much too soon, by political forces who are obviously hungover from 8 years of 'W' who could barely put one word in front of another. I disagree, of course. I continue to see O'Bama as the right man at the right time in a world crisis which was created by Capitalism Gone Apeshit, courtesy of an American Jewish Establishment which became totally out of control. O'Bama is a political multi-tasker at a time when we all need intelligence and competence and pragmatism. One of the many rule changes needed at this time in our national crisis is the restoration of the 'up-tick rule' in stock market operations which would prohibit wanton 'short selling' by 'hedge funds' intent on market manipulation. Restoration of the 'up-tick rule' should have teeth in it in the form of a percentage of the current stock price of the equity in question. Jews and Republicans have had their way for too long, and the result of their greed has led us all to where we are now. We need to restore democracy to the stock market. Tyranny doesn't work. Quote me if you dare!
The lesson to be learned from all this is that Unfettered Capitalism is ultimately self-destructive. 'Greed is good' only up to a point. Capitalism without Humanism eventually self-destructs. Therefore we need to modify the rules in such a way that those antithetical values can co-exist in a modern fast-changing culture. Begin by re-instating Glass-Segal.
But what the fuck would I know?
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