Friday, February 06, 2009
Putting Lipstick on a Pig
Before leaving the subject of circumcision for tonight I need to get a little revenge: This business does 'cosmetic circumcision' (a grotesque oxymoron, in my opinion) and proudly displays photographs of recent 'procedures' wherein various unfortunate penises were permanently externalized. The interested reader might want to compare the photographic evidence in this site with (2) below which shows photographs of a normal unmutilated penis. Buyer beware!
The Onion is 'missing in action' on the subject of Circumcision. What an opportunity! I shall now seize the moment to write an 'Onionesque' article on the subject. Hmm. This is such a recently discovered bit of information that I will be doing the article with no preparation. Is that advisable? Could The Onion do a better job? Will they? We shall see. In any case, during my 5th beer tonight I am ready to let my unfettered brain wax creative... Hmmm... There are so many ways to treat this subject! Maybe I'll do a series... Yes! That's it! See the first installment in this series in (3) above.
Before leaving the subject of circumcision for tonight I need to get a little revenge: This business does 'cosmetic circumcision' (a grotesque oxymoron, in my opinion) and proudly displays photographs of recent 'procedures' wherein various unfortunate penises were permanently externalized. The interested reader might want to compare the photographic evidence in this site with (2) below which shows photographs of a normal unmutilated penis. Buyer beware!
The Onion is 'missing in action' on the subject of Circumcision. What an opportunity! I shall now seize the moment to write an 'Onionesque' article on the subject. Hmm. This is such a recently discovered bit of information that I will be doing the article with no preparation. Is that advisable? Could The Onion do a better job? Will they? We shall see. In any case, during my 5th beer tonight I am ready to let my unfettered brain wax creative... Hmmm... There are so many ways to treat this subject! Maybe I'll do a series... Yes! That's it! See the first installment in this series in (3) above.