Friday, February 20, 2009
Nibble, Nibble!
As a stock market player I was horrified yesterday by the emotional outburst of Rick Santelli, dumbass Italian 'commodities expert' on CNBC. Santelli had no business, in my opinion, voicing his objections to the O'Bama Bailout of the mortgage industry. Thumbs down on Santelli and CNBC for presenting such an emotion-filled tirade lacking totally in logic. I say, 'Fire the dumb bastard.' Maybe he can get a job in Rome working for Pope Benedict as a media consultant. But... maybe not.
Reading the above, you can be forgiven for jumping to the conclusion that my portfolio is waaay down at the moment, and you would be correct. It is currently down 5 percent. But amazingly I was still buying as the afternoon progressed! Am I an optimist?! Guess so. Nibble, nibble! I am a fish, nibbling at the bait... Tastes pretty good so far... But we shall see...
That said, I hasten to affirm the concept of 'freedom of opinion' everywhere, even on CNBC.
Here is my drunken Synopsis of the causes of the current crisis:
1. Alan Greenspan, Dumbass Jew, reads Atlas Shrugged and believes the dumb bitch author who knows nothing about economics; eventually becomes idiologically enmeshed. (At this point I did a search on both Google and Wikipedia, neither of which worked. I conclude that I am being 'censored' by Jewish forces. Blogger seems to be working, however. Strange...)
2. Greenspan becomes head of the Fed. Jewish financial forces resist governmental regulation during the Clinton Administration. The Tech Bubble bursts in 2001. Stocks nosedive. Jewish financial forces under Greenspan resist Governmental oversight because the Jewish Tribe is making lots of money. It is a tribal thing which goes unnoticed in American economic circles.
3. The Jewish Establishment manages to elect the most ignorant dumbass Texan in history to the presidency. They have a backup in the VP candidate for the Democrat Party Lieberman, senator from Israel. The Jewish Tribe cannot lose this election!
4. TJT manages to derail the logical American response to 9-11 away from Afghanistan to Iraq. They convince most dumbass Americans - using Jew-dominated American media, that 9-11 was actually an Iraqi plot orchestrated by Saddam Hussein. The Jewish objective was to get significant American forces in place near Israel, in order to protect Israel and to set the USA on a course toward securing The Promised Land for worldwide Jewry. It worked. Indeed, The Jewish Establishment actually convinced the dumbass GWB that God had engineered his ascenscion to the presidency for that very purpose!
As a stock market player I was horrified yesterday by the emotional outburst of Rick Santelli, dumbass Italian 'commodities expert' on CNBC. Santelli had no business, in my opinion, voicing his objections to the O'Bama Bailout of the mortgage industry. Thumbs down on Santelli and CNBC for presenting such an emotion-filled tirade lacking totally in logic. I say, 'Fire the dumb bastard.' Maybe he can get a job in Rome working for Pope Benedict as a media consultant. But... maybe not.
Reading the above, you can be forgiven for jumping to the conclusion that my portfolio is waaay down at the moment, and you would be correct. It is currently down 5 percent. But amazingly I was still buying as the afternoon progressed! Am I an optimist?! Guess so. Nibble, nibble! I am a fish, nibbling at the bait... Tastes pretty good so far... But we shall see...
That said, I hasten to affirm the concept of 'freedom of opinion' everywhere, even on CNBC.
Here is my drunken Synopsis of the causes of the current crisis:
1. Alan Greenspan, Dumbass Jew, reads Atlas Shrugged and believes the dumb bitch author who knows nothing about economics; eventually becomes idiologically enmeshed. (At this point I did a search on both Google and Wikipedia, neither of which worked. I conclude that I am being 'censored' by Jewish forces. Blogger seems to be working, however. Strange...)
2. Greenspan becomes head of the Fed. Jewish financial forces resist governmental regulation during the Clinton Administration. The Tech Bubble bursts in 2001. Stocks nosedive. Jewish financial forces under Greenspan resist Governmental oversight because the Jewish Tribe is making lots of money. It is a tribal thing which goes unnoticed in American economic circles.
3. The Jewish Establishment manages to elect the most ignorant dumbass Texan in history to the presidency. They have a backup in the VP candidate for the Democrat Party Lieberman, senator from Israel. The Jewish Tribe cannot lose this election!
4. TJT manages to derail the logical American response to 9-11 away from Afghanistan to Iraq. They convince most dumbass Americans - using Jew-dominated American media, that 9-11 was actually an Iraqi plot orchestrated by Saddam Hussein. The Jewish objective was to get significant American forces in place near Israel, in order to protect Israel and to set the USA on a course toward securing The Promised Land for worldwide Jewry. It worked. Indeed, The Jewish Establishment actually convinced the dumbass GWB that God had engineered his ascenscion to the presidency for that very purpose!