Friday, February 13, 2009


Friday The Thirteenth

TgIF again. Life since my last blog entry has been pretty 'normal,' except that gas and radiation have increased. Gaswise, my vocal chords are often swollen during the day, probably because of low-level gas which does not produce acute symptoms but is detectable when speaking. Intake fans are usually off during cold weather and this allows gas buildup. Radiationwise, there was quite a violent reaction to last Friday's posts. IRFS (itching radiation, face, scalp) became so extreme that the skin on my forehead began peeling and a sore developed on the forehead which needed a small band-aid. I take that as a compliment to my ability to irritate certain Jews with this blog. By the way, I liked the 'Onionesque' segment in last week's edition and plan to continue the series indefinitely. The plan is to do at least one shorter version of a typical 'Onion News' article every week, but not to limit the possible subjects.

There was a significant conjunction of birth dates yesterday: Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln. Interestingly, both men are related by concept in this case: Darwin proposed a theory of progressive change, and Lincoln demonstrated a significant point in that (general) theory: Change happens incrementally, but sometimes suddenly.

ISTwise (Idiot Stock Trader-wise), I am still learning as I go along every day. I will definitely do an Onionesque article on the subject next week. Other possible weekly (or periodical) articles relate to my exclusive line to God via The Brown Telephone... as usual. I like the idea of doing one or more thematic series'.
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