Thursday, October 09, 2008


Aliens R Us

My guess is that most of you know an Alien without realizing that you know an Alien. The rest of you think that an Alien comes from another planet. Not so. The fact of the matter is that Aliens are produced constantly all over our planet. 'Alienism' is genetic. Aliens are the result of human reproduction. Aliens are produced by 'alien genes.' Aliens do not arrive from outer space. Some of us carry 'alien genes,' and produce Alien Offspring. It is an evolutionary thing. Why? Aliens are valuable, evolutionwise, as a 'hedge.'
'Hedge' is an economic concept, and I will leave it to you to connect Economics with Evolution. Aliens are ultimate economic insurance in a wide-open evolutionary scenerio. Get used to Aliens. True, you should not execute Aliens as a matter of course. Bad idea, evolutionwise. You need to tolerate Aliens because they are a hedge. A valuable hedge. But you need to jail them as you find them. Keep your hedge population constrained, but available in case of emergency. Mother Nature may, in a future scenerio, present us with a situation such that we as a species could not survive without our Aliens.
Conclusion? Jail Walter Gerash and family immediately but do not execute them! We might need them later. Way, way, way, way, later.
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