Sunday, October 12, 2008


Alien Attributes

After reading the last post (8 below) just now, I signed on to Blogger to see whether I had prepared a 'next post.' Nope. So we'll never know what I was alluding to. The series got increasingly goofy, as usual, the result of 14 Natural Lights (no whiskey this time) over eight or nine hours. Indeed, at first glance, (7) below would seem to be evidence of insanity! Darn. But as you know, I'm not a believer in UFOs, or Bigfoot, or the Loch Ness Monster, or the Yeti, or the Tooth Fairy, or Angels and Devils. Neither do I believe in Ghosts, Spirits, or Gods.

But I do believe in aliens. Aliens are humans who are genetically evil. Aliens are not a Nurture thing; aliens are a Nature thing. They are nobody's 'fault.' This belief of mine goes beyond modern psychology, of course, and is derived entirely from my own personal life experience. I would describe 'aliens' as that class of people who are genetically evil and who cannot be rehabilitated and who should therefore be segregated from the rest of us. Future genetic techniques may 'cure' them, but until then we should keep them locked up. It is important to note that 'nurture' cannot 'cure' an alien. Not possible. No loving mother can cure her alien son. An alien is 'fixed genetically.'

Interestingly, 'aliens' are not necessarily stupid. Some of them are, of course (and are discovered and incarcerated early on). But others realize their 'different-ness' early enough to compensate for it on the surface of their lives. This compensation is not a 'conversion' but a strategy. A life strategy. Many of them later become lawyers, politicians, and ministers. One of the attributes of alien 'psychology' is a lifelong thirst for power. McCain is an alien.
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