Thursday, July 31, 2008
What a Delicious Choice!
Which brings us naturally to the question of Obama. Clearly, Black Tribalism exists in America today. Therefore Black Tribal Memory also exists. This brings up the question of who to vote for.
You have two choices: McCain the Republican, or Obama the Democrat. Which?
It seems to me that McCain is the Jewish neocon choice: The Jews can control McCain to further their Israeli agenda, not to mention their circumcision agenda. Furthermore, McCain is basically - at his age - set in stone, unlikely to be able to reason out the various problems which confront a very complex nation in very complex times. McCain will perform like a trained seal.
Obama, on the other hand, is a 'black.' More than 90 percent of American Blacks will vote for Obama. It is a tribal thing. They think of Obama as the Black Jesus who will save their collective lazy black ass from the more onerous alternative of slow assimilation which might take another 100 years of hard work. But on the plus side, Obama is extremely intelligent and articulate - not to mention young and mentally dexterious.
What a delicious choice!
Question: which candidate do you vote for? Which Tribal Memory do you want to contend with for the next four to eight years?
Which brings us naturally to the question of Obama. Clearly, Black Tribalism exists in America today. Therefore Black Tribal Memory also exists. This brings up the question of who to vote for.
You have two choices: McCain the Republican, or Obama the Democrat. Which?
It seems to me that McCain is the Jewish neocon choice: The Jews can control McCain to further their Israeli agenda, not to mention their circumcision agenda. Furthermore, McCain is basically - at his age - set in stone, unlikely to be able to reason out the various problems which confront a very complex nation in very complex times. McCain will perform like a trained seal.
Obama, on the other hand, is a 'black.' More than 90 percent of American Blacks will vote for Obama. It is a tribal thing. They think of Obama as the Black Jesus who will save their collective lazy black ass from the more onerous alternative of slow assimilation which might take another 100 years of hard work. But on the plus side, Obama is extremely intelligent and articulate - not to mention young and mentally dexterious.
What a delicious choice!
Question: which candidate do you vote for? Which Tribal Memory do you want to contend with for the next four to eight years?