Thursday, July 31, 2008


Tribal Memory Disorder


This very funny piece got my attention some time ago because it had to do with brain imaging. The subject turned out to be a Jewish male who devoted 30 percent of his brain to 'obsessing over the Holocaust.' Quite funny. You should read it. I thought, 'This Jew should be devoting that 30 percent of his brainpower to thinking about sex. He is obviously suffering from Tribal Memory Disorder. (I should mention that TMD is my own diagnosis. I have been 'diagnosed' by Jews many times over many years, and I thought it was about time for me to return the favor. This is it. This is my revenge.)
I've been thinking about TMD ever since reading that piece. Clearly, Jews are the most obvious candidates for this group diagnosis; however various other tribes (American Indians, indigenous peoples of Central and South America, and other indigenous peoples all over the globe, especially in Africa, suffer - by definition - from this same disorder to some extent. The phenomenon of 'tribal memory' is to blame, and the suffering is more than merely internal and individual. TMD influences individuals who are members of a tribe. And since many (or most) tribal members suffer from the same disorder, that tribe will, as a group, act in what seems to be revengeful ways against The Other (outsiders). Thus, a Jew-dominated American medical system conspired with a Jew-dominated legal system and a Jew-dominated government to sexually mutilate an entire nation for 'health reasons.' It was a kind of tribal revenge.
Notice that the tribal conspiracy was unspoken, yet every conspirator knew exactly what was going on, at some level.
The problem, of course, was that the tribe was taking out its revenge against the wrong people! 'The Jews had been persecuted for 4000 years' and somebody had to pay. The persecutors were long dead, but The Tribe lived in the midst of an uncircumcised, unsuspecting, and innocent people, against whom it took its revenge. Shame on The Jews.
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