Thursday, July 31, 2008
The Soap Opera Solution
Tonight's music comes with some video. You will love both.
For those readers who do not like my version of the Jewish God: Design your own God. Those of you who think the idea of creating a god is blasphemous should read the Very Old and Odious Testament (VOOT), wherein ancient Jewish scribes created their very own god in their very own image, who then returned the favor by making The Jews his very own chosen people... for a penile price. (Check the nearest dick.)
The above link can be found at TPM online, the philosopher's magazine, under the subtitle, 'Games and Activities.' Go there... if you dare.
And if you dared, then this site might also interest you: Atheist Quotes. It seems to me that the title is a misnomer which should be amended to something more in the 'agnostic' realm. Was Thomas Jefferson an Atheist? Were the Founding Fathers, Atheists?
Afraid to Ask is a medical site which answers the kinds of questions you would prefer not to ask your doctor.
How Science Gets Swiftboated is a very pertinent piece given the current political environment, where Jewish Fools like Ben Stein and Glen Beck secrete their odious ideas into our Streaming Circumcised Media.
The Soap Opera Solution. This very interesting blurb describes - without realzing it - how 'The War on Terror' will eventually be won. See what I mean?
The Source of Terrorism. This explains why American addiction to SUVs is not compatible with Israeli foriegn policy.
Tonight's music comes with some video. You will love both.
For those readers who do not like my version of the Jewish God: Design your own God. Those of you who think the idea of creating a god is blasphemous should read the Very Old and Odious Testament (VOOT), wherein ancient Jewish scribes created their very own god in their very own image, who then returned the favor by making The Jews his very own chosen people... for a penile price. (Check the nearest dick.)
The above link can be found at TPM online, the philosopher's magazine, under the subtitle, 'Games and Activities.' Go there... if you dare.
And if you dared, then this site might also interest you: Atheist Quotes. It seems to me that the title is a misnomer which should be amended to something more in the 'agnostic' realm. Was Thomas Jefferson an Atheist? Were the Founding Fathers, Atheists?
Afraid to Ask is a medical site which answers the kinds of questions you would prefer not to ask your doctor.
How Science Gets Swiftboated is a very pertinent piece given the current political environment, where Jewish Fools like Ben Stein and Glen Beck secrete their odious ideas into our Streaming Circumcised Media.
The Soap Opera Solution. This very interesting blurb describes - without realzing it - how 'The War on Terror' will eventually be won. See what I mean?
The Source of Terrorism. This explains why American addiction to SUVs is not compatible with Israeli foriegn policy.