Thursday, July 24, 2008


Israel is a Miracle?!

Obama's recent visit to modern trouble spots has produced much grist for the geo-political mill. I love it! One of the phrases which got my attention recently is Obama's declaration to the effect that, 'Israel is a miracle!' In my opinion Obama is quite correct in some sense, but 'miracles' ultimately exist only in the eyes of beholders. Obama beheld a miracle. I think we can all agree that Obama's vision was in some sense quite correct. And yet...
I therefore decided to use my unique means to probe the question. I dialed 666 on the Brown Telephone. I then extended the antenna. The Jewish G-d WHTZSNM answered immediately:
gd: Hello?
me: Me again.
gd: Damn.
me: A contemporary American politicial candidate has declared that 'Israel is a miracle.' Do You have a comment?
gd: Israel?
me: The Jewish State. You know exactly what I mean.
gd: Oh. Israel! Um...
me: Israel is located in The Promised Land.
gd: I knew that. What is your point? I am a very busy God.
me: Israel is besieged by Muslims.
gd: Muslims?
me: Worshippers of Allah.
gd: Ah - what?!
me: Allah.
gd: Let me be very honest with you: What is Allah?
me Your competition. He's another god.
gd: Never met the sucker.
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