Thursday, July 24, 2008


I Live an Interesting Life

Been an interesting week, insectwise. Kootch brought home a bunch of blueberries from King Soopers. When she removed her stash from the shopping bag there was a honeybee clinging to the plastic covering. I pointed the bee out to Kootch and asked her how we should dispose of the bee, which kept clinging to the blueberry stash. Kootch made a hammering motion with her fist (Kootch can be something of a barbarian at times). I rejected the idea, and put a glass over the bee. The bee seemed unconcerned. I then took the stash of blueberries containing the glassed-in bee out on the porch , closed the sliding door, and removed the glass. The bee was unimpressed with her newfound freedom, apparently totally hooked on the blueberry aroma.
I'm not afraid of honeybees, so I goosed her gently in the butt. She seemed to like it. I then petted her between the wings and she said, 'Oh Yes! A little to the left! Yes! Yes!' Clearly I had a problem getting rid of this bee. I decided to irritate her: I put my index finger in her face, so to say, and touched her antenna. This got her attention and she flew away quite suddenly. There was another bee incident several days later. Then there was an incident with an insect which looked like a mosquito, but was not. All incidents ended with the insects finding freedom.
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