Thursday, July 24, 2008



Returning to the drog entries ending with 'Slurping in Kansas' (below):

Following the cited entries, gassing attacks became so violent that I was forced to seek help. I tried various approaches: (1) A lawyer. (2) The ACSD Chief of Detectives, Captain Spence. Spence was 'out for the day but would return my call' eventually. (3) Kaiser Permanente. Kaiser referred me to: (4) The Rocky Mountain Poison Control Center. A fella named 'Steve' answered, gave me some other numbers to call (most of which I had already called), then suggested I call the police since it seemed to him to be a 'possible criminal matter.' I called the ACSD. Two deputies showed up (Zachman and Hawkins). They listened to my story, took a written statement, then gave me a case number. 'The gassing stopped when I called the police.' In retrospect it is clear that Gerash was furious about the drog entry and was punishing me.
The lawyer eventually called back, totally disinterested.
Captain Spence eventually called back and agreed 'in principle' to see me. No meeting ever happened.
Meanwhile I (1) saw a Kaiser Urologist (concerning another problem entirely) who wanted to circumcise me. I declined her generous offer. I came away from the meeting with the impression that the stupid bitch (Dana - Weaver Osterholtz) had absolutely no idea whatsoever what the foreskin was all about. (2) I was ambushed by a Kaiser doctor name of Doug Massey. (The gassing had begun again and I was desperate again.) Doctor Yu was not available, so I took the receptionist's suggestion, which turned out to be a trap. Massey was obviously queer as a three dollar bill, judging by his lispy way of speaking. He was totally uncooperative. All I wanted was some advice about my gassing problem: were there any tests Kaiser could do to verify my gassing problem? Massey wanted to know who was gassing me. I said something like, 'A Jewish queer named Walter Gerash.' I think I then asked Massey, 'Are you Jewish by any chance? I don't have much luck with Jewish doctors. The last one I talked to wanted to circumcise me.' I was needling a very uncooperative Massey who was obviously queer. Massey replied that he was not Jewish, then said, 'Gresh?' I replied, 'Gerash. Rhymes with trash.' Massey then left the room for some time. When he returned he was much more cooperative, suggesting that I should go to the Kaiser facility downtown for immediate testing. Huh?!
More on this next week.
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