Thursday, July 24, 2008


An Embarrassing Question

Those of you who follow this blog will no doubt laugh at WHTZSNM's dialog: you understand that the Jewish god is first of all dishonest, incapable of telling the truth. But you like Him nevertheless because He seems to mirror you to some extent. I understand: we tend to choose gods we can feel comfortable with. Jews feel comfortable with a totally phoney, lying god. Everybody knows that. I decided to press the matter:
me: Jews live in Israel.
gd: I knew that.
me: Israel is the Promised Land.
gd: So far so good.
me: But the Muslims have all the oil.
gd: Olive Oil?
me: Motor oil.
gd: Motor what?
me: Oil. Petroleum.
gd: So what?
me: Whomever has the oil has the money.
gd: Money?
me: Why did You create a 'Promised Land' for the Jews - a land which had no oil? Why did you give your chosen people a land bereft of oil? Why did you give the natural enemies of your chosen People all that oil?
gd: (hangs up)
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